Nice having you here.
Who I Am
My name is Soheil. I'm a Full Stack Engineer from Germany's most delightful city, Hamburg.
I enjoy reading books. Some of my favourites are Harari's
Sapiens and Homo Deus and Goethe's Faust. I also like traveling, running and swimming. I'm
currently interested in robust software architecture design in web applications and
frontend tooling.
What I Do
Full Stack Engineer
Full Stack Engineer at CHECK24 in Hamburg. Working with smart and passionate people.
Technical Content Creator
Creating programming exercises focused on Alogrithms & Datastructures for OPPSEE (Online Programming Practice for Software Engineering Education) at my university.
Event Organizer
I help organizing community events from time to time. Last one was DevFest Hamburg 2024. I've also previously built a GDSC at my university with the help of a great team.
Open Source
I contribute to a small extent to open source projects. Some of the repos include Nuxt, Next.js, React and Supabase.
Currently working on my thesis. It's about frontend state management. Check it out on Github.