Nice having you here.
Who I Am
My name is Soheil. I'm a Full Stack Engineer from Germany's most delightful city, Hamburg.
I enjoy reading books. Some of my favourites are Harari's
Sapiens and Homo Deus and Goethe's Faust. I also like traveling,
running and swimming. I'm currently interested in robust software architecture design in web applications
and frontend tooling.
What I Do
Full Stack Engineer
Full Stack Engineer at CHECK24 in Hamburg. Working with smart and passionate people.
Event Organizer
I help organizing community events from time to time. Last one was DevFest Hamburg 2024. I've also previously built a GDSC at my university with the help of a great team.
Open Source
I contribute to a small extent to open source projects. Some of the repos include Nuxt, Next.js, React and Supabase.
Experimenting With Things
- Currently building an auto scaler in Go.
- Built a zero dependency state management library in JavaScript.
- Building extensions to make Redux, NgRx, Pinia and co. safer to work with.
- Built a Nuxt.js SaaS boilerplate with Auth, DB, Payment etc.
- Built a Feedback collecting app that uses AI to create TODOs from the feedbacks.
- For book lovers: a reminder app.
- Landing page for my favorite café.
- A simple landing page for a construction company.
- Gave a web development workshop for students of my uni.
- And more...
Currently working on my thesis. It's about frontend state management. Check it out on Github.